Re: Two new encoding related articles for review

Richard Ishida scripsit (2014-03-24 18:33+01:00):
> On 20/03/2014 19:08, Gunnar Bittersmann wrote:
>> My proposal is: Display encoding names as normal text, no markup.
> I think you are coming at this from a different angle than I intended.

Ahhh, indeed.

> […] It's adhoc styling, intended to help readers quickly zoom in on
> references to the encodings referred to in that section that are
> discouraged. It's specific to that section, and the UTF-8 and
> ISO-8859-8-i encodings are not discouraged, so are not highlighted.

Now I understand your intention. It doesn’t come out through typography, 

The monospace typeface somehow indicates code, in this case the code 
values that should be used to fill the gaps in `<meta charset="…"/>` or 
`@charset …;`.

Monospace type does not indicate that these values should not be used.

Changing font color to red does (you could use a more saturated red), 
`text-decoration: line-through` would also do.

Its new meaning in HTML5 would make the s element appropriate here:
<s class="deprecated">JIS_C6226-1983</s> etc.

> I changed the text to "(Hebrew encoding for visually ordered text)"

Hm, encoding for visually ordered Hebrew text?


Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2014 11:08:50 UTC