Re: Encoding: Referring people to a list of labels

Anne van Kesteren scripsit:

> You can supply your own font. And if your current font has a mapping
> for the wrong code points, you could fix it.

That's not the case for complex scripts where a pure Unicode
representation requires Graphite fonts, as browsers other than Firefox
don't provide their own support for it.

People go through the bother of Christmas because Christmas helps them
to understand why they go through the bother of living out their lives
the rest of the year. For one brief instant, we see human society as it
should and could be, a world in which business has become the exchanging
of presents and in which nothing is important except the happiness and
well-being of the ultimate consumer.  --Northrop Frye (1948)

Received on Tuesday, 28 January 2014 18:14:17 UTC