Re: Encoding: Referring people to a list of labels

On 27/01/2014 8:06 PM, "Henri Sivonen" <> wrote:

>  * x-user-defined must not be used except in overrideMimeType() in XHR
> in browser versions that don't support obtaining the response bytes as
> an ArrayBuffer. (Publishers who use intentionally mis-encoded fonts
> with @font-face, which of course no one should do, are better off
> declaring windows-1252 even if that means they are polluting search
> data for everyone else.)

Saying that they are polluting search data for everyone else is somewhat
harsh,  since in some cases that pollution is a direct consequence of the
HTML specs and browser implementations.

> So, really, people should only use one encoding, UTF-8, and the list
> of labels they should use should have one item only: "UTF-8".

I would agree hat everyone should be using UTF-8

But I would go further and say EVERY browser development team should ensure
there browsers are capable of displaying ALL of Unicode correctly,
including language specific variations.

Until broswer developers CAN achieve that then it is irresponsible to
require web developers to always use UTF-8.

And that brings up a second issue...  not all UTF-8 data is actually
Unicode data.


Received on Monday, 27 January 2014 09:36:09 UTC