I18N-ISSUE-348: Non-ASCII not permitted in extensions [.prep-tracking-dnt]

I18N-ISSUE-348: Non-ASCII not permitted in extensions [.prep-tracking-dnt]


Raised by: Addison Phillips
On product: .prep-tracking-dnt

Non-ASCII not permitted?? Later there is a note: 

The extension syntax is restricted to visible ASCII characters that can be parsed as a single word in HTTP and safely embedded in a JSON string without further encoding (section 6.5 Tracking Status Representation). At most one DNT header field can be present in a valid request [HTTP]. 

It's unclear why this restriction exists? Non-ASCII characters are useful in many contexts and they work in a JSON string (they can be encoded further, but don't have to be).

Received on Thursday, 29 May 2014 17:07:21 UTC