Re: [css-text] I18N-ISSUE-323: Figures 3 to 5

Hi Koji,

The current examples only show part of the story.  I was expecting 
something like the following, which makes it clear at a glance that 
words (which are well defined in Thai, eg. for line-breaking, and are 
clear enough here for Japanese) don't get any special treatment in those 

Figure 3

日 本 語 日 本 語  Latin  Latin  แ ล ะ แ ล ะ

Figure 4

日本語日本語      Latin     Latin     และและ

Figure 5

日 本 語 日 本 語   Latin   Latin   แ ล ะ แ ล ะ

(I just doubled the existing words for this email to make it faster to 
write, I'm not therefore necessarily suggesting this should be the exact 

On 24/05/2014 21:03, Koji Ishii wrote:
> On May 24, 2014, at 2:19 AM, Richard Ishida <> wrote:
>> That might have been what Addison meant, but it wasn't what I meant when I wrote the comment ;-)
>> What I was suggesting was:
>> (where every 4 letters above represents a word)
>> What that does is show the effect of a given setting on each of the three types of script.  It's especially useful for the Japanese and Thai scenarios, rather than the Latin one (which most people can guess at pretty well already).
> I’m sorry but I do not understand what you want. Are you suggesting 8 Japanese characters explains better than 3? I do not understand what you meant by “a word” either since, as you know, “a word” in Japanese is ambiguous and has nothing to do with justifications.
> Also note that since we’re showing where spaces are inserted, the more characters we put, the harder to identify where spaces are inserted. I’d like to keep the number of characters as small as possible.
> 8 Japanese characters and 8 Thai characters will not show where spaces are inserted, and therefore are not good examples for justification I think.
> What did I miss?
> /koji

Received on Tuesday, 27 May 2014 13:11:47 UTC