RE: Comments on CSS3 Text Decoration

> >
> > However, this brings up an issue: what about the visible "spaces", e.g.
> > Ethiopic Word Space U+1361? Should those also be skipped if the style
> > you're going for is skipping spaces between words? Or do people not
> > skip visible word separators the way we sometimes skip spaces in our
> > underlining?
> Ok, so the final text at the moment says to skip:
>    * all characters in Unicode general category Z
>    * all "word separator" characters, as defined in CSS3 Text:
>      currently includes the space (U+0020), the no-break space (U+00A0),
>      the Ethiopic word space (U+1361), the Aegean word separators
> (U+10100,U+10101),
>      the Ugaritic word divider (U+1039F), the Phoenician Word Separator
> (U+1091F)
> Comments welcome.

Hi fantasai,

I've written to Unicode as part of I18N-ACTION-192 to ask for their thoughts and have received a number of replies, which I'll collate for Thursday's teleconference.


Addison Phillips
Globalization Architect (Lab126)
Chair (W3C I18N WG)

Internationalization is not a feature.
It is an architecture.

Received on Wednesday, 6 March 2013 15:19:19 UTC