Re: [text-decor-3] Emphasis marks and ruby

>    * Koji has found examples where the dots are instead placed as
>      close as possible to the base text, so immediately above base
>      characters without ruby, above the ruby for characters that have it.

I think this behavior is much better than to hide ruby in many cases.

We (Antenna House) implemented this behavior by default and also 
implemented the -ah-text-emphasis-offset property that specifies 
minimum offset between emphasis dots and the base text.

I put an example:

The result rendered by Antenna House Formatter:


Shinyu Murakami
Antenna House

fantasai <> wrote on 2013/02/02 10:19:21
>    # If emphasis marks are drawn for characters for which ruby is drawn
>    # in the same position as the emphasis mark, the ruby should be
>    # stacked between the emphasis marks and the base text. In this case,
>    # the position of the emphasis marks for a given element should be
>    # determined as if all characters have ruby boxes of the same height
>    # as the highest ruby box in the element. If the UA is not capable of
>    # drawing ruby and emphasis marks on the same side, the UA may hide
>    # ruby and draw only emphasis marks.
> See illustration at
> It's clear that when ruby and emphasis marks are drawn together, the
> ruby is closer to the base text. The interesting thing is what happens
> when a run of text is emphasized, but only some characters have ruby.
> The spec currently says that you place the emphasis dots at a consistent
> position, so if some of it has ruby then you position it accommodating
> the ruby. There are two problems with this:
>    * text-emphasis is inherited, so technically you don't know which
>      element is the one setting the emphasis. (Practically speaking,
>      this is not a problem: you just look up the ancestor chain to
>      find the highest element with text emphasis set. Emphasis marks
>      generally don't--and in CSS actually cannot--stack.)
>    * Koji has found examples where the dots are instead placed as
>      close as possible to the base text, so immediately above base
>      characters without ruby, above the ruby for characters that have it.
> So, it's possible to implement the behavior in the spec right now
> and have that be reasonable, but it's possible that publications
> might want the as-close-as-possible behavior, and that's probably
> also easier to implement.
> What should we have the spec say? What it currently says, with
> clarification of where to look for the "emphasizing element"?
> Or spec as-close-as-possible positioning? Or leave it undefined?
> ~fantasai

Received on Saturday, 2 February 2013 06:34:12 UTC