[minutes] Internationalization WG telecon 2013-01-16


Text version follows:

Internationalization Working Group Teleconference

16 Jan 2013



    See also: [3]IRC log

       [3] http://www.w3.org/2013/01/16-i18n-irc


           Addison, Richard, Emile, Koji, Felix, Norbert, Jan,
           Mati, David

           Addison Phillips

           Addison Phillips


      * [4]Topics
          1. [5]Agenda and Minutes
          2. [6]Action Items
          3. [7]Info Share
          4. [8]What Time Is This Meeting At?
          5. [9]Pending Reviews
          6. [10]ITS v2 review
          7. [11]AOB?
      * [12]Summary of Action Items

Agenda and Minutes

Action Items

    close ACTION-167

    <trackbot> Closed ACTION-167 Review john daggett/david baron's
    case tests and suggest any changes/additions needed.

    <r12a> [13]http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open

      [13] http://www.w3.org/International/track/actions/open

    close ACTION-171

    <trackbot> Closed ACTION-171 forward comments on case
    sensitivity to CSS.

    <David> I saw the CSS case (in)sensitivity discussions, but had
    little to add.

Info Share

    <scribe> chair: welcomes two new members

    richard: MLW workshop in rome in march
    ... you should register soon, as seats are filling

    <r12a> [14]http://www.multilingualweb.eu/rome

      [14] http://www.multilingualweb.eu/rome

What Time Is This Meeting At?

    > There's a zakim crush at 16:00 due to large telecons starting
    up. If we want > to spill over, even a little, past the hour
    allocated, we may need to move the > start of the telecon
    forward, since we will be unpopular if we go past the top > of
    the hour.

    <Norbert> [15]http://www.doodle.com/848xxp36vvhtd32f#table

      [15] http://www.doodle.com/848xxp36vvhtd32f#table

    propose thursdays

Pending Reviews


      [16] http://www.w3.org/International/wiki/Review_radar

ITS v2 review


      [17] http://tinyurl.com/its20-comments-handling


      [18] http://www.w3.org/International/track/products/35



    Norbert: translate attribute
    ... didn't see anything about other items that need
    ... e.g. a color or an image that need localizatoin but aren't
    ... is there an attribute that allows to make localizable?


      [20] http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-its20-20121206/#LocaleFilter

    felix: there is a locale filter that could select items for

    norbert: need a way to markup and manage items that need to be
    localized, but not for translators to make different words


      [21] http://www.w3.org/TR/2012/WD-its20-20121206/#externalresource

    felix: would be useful to have examples

    Norbert: bidi
    ... active discussion about isolates
    ... and ITS has directionality
    ... depend on HTML5?

    <fsasaki> [22]http://tinyurl.com/its20-testsuite-dashboard

      [22] http://tinyurl.com/its20-testsuite-dashboard

    felix: on direction, our test suite dashboard
    ... lists what's been done
    ... first table has row for dir
    ... ENLASO and U.Limerick working on it
    ... don't render, but do pass
    ... worry about ruby
    ... no implementations working on

    r12a: concern why direction section is non-normative, should it
    just be in BP doc?
    ... ruby continues to change in HTML5
    ... understood that those sections there
    ... possible to edit before release
    ... to reflect latest thinking
    ... can change because non-normative
    ... v1 of ITS did implement

    norbert: what's in ITS 2 doesn't match ITS 1 or what will be in
    ... needs extension spec?

    direction: keep, note that developments are coming

    ruby: take out as unimplemented

    direction needs to be normative if present

    r12a: largest issue
    ... discussion "what about dfn and <term>"?
    ... stuff about relationship of ITS to HTML5 goes to BP doc?
    ... unclear on objectives viz HTML5
    ... move unclear stuff to BP document was my understanding
    ... but document objectives suggest that ITS would document how
    ITS relates to HTML5

    felix: aim is to show how ITS native metadata in HTML5
    ... some exceptions
    ... @translate attribute maps directly to/from HTML5
    ... also @lang
    ... those exceptions have clear mapping
    ... point about stuff like dfn or term
    ... HTML can use for different purposes than ITS uses for
    ... HTML <dt> was focued on
    ... not a straight-forward mapping


      [23] http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-i18n-bp/#relating-its-plus-xhtml

    felix: hard to justify hardcoding a rule such as the dt rule

    Norbert: should be note on "similar" elements to describe
    potential mappings

    r12a: if it's only situations where normative relationships can
    be drawn between HTML5 constructs and ITS constructs, then the
    ITS spec needs to make point much more clearly


Summary of Action Items

    [End of minutes]

Richard Ishida
Internationalization Activity Lead
W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)


Received on Wednesday, 16 January 2013 17:25:50 UTC