Re: [css3-text] text-transform:capitalize

On 2/21/2011 6:31 PM, Brady Duga wrote:
> On Feb 21, 2011, at 5:02 PM, Mark Davis ☕ wrote:
>> The problem is that the word "capitalize" is ambiguous: it may mean 
>> all of the letters, like THIS.
> True, though typically if someone is asked to capitalize the word 
> 'this' they will give you 'This'.

Many people will, but not all. Some may give you "THIS".

This example just means that when you set the context "word" the default 
that many people take is "capitalize", but when you ask them to 
capitalize a "character" they will give you "DZ" for the charcter "dz" 
(yes, that exists as a single character).

Hence, in this context, Mark is correct that "capitalize" is ambiguous.

Unicode has defined the terms Uppsercase, Lowercase and Titlecase in 
very precise ways. Building on these defintions would seem useful.

> We commonly talk about capitalizing proper nouns or the first word of 
> a sentence, and that doesn't mean to write it in all caps. Though, I 
> see your point - we generally don't talk about capitalizing an entire 
> string with the intent that the first letter of every word should be 
> written as a capital. But we do often use the term "title case" to 
> refer to an entire string, and it is not meant in the way we are 
> defining here. While "capitalize" isn't perfect, "titlecase" seems 
> even worse.
> --Brady

Received on Tuesday, 22 February 2011 03:08:05 UTC