Re: [css3-text] text-transform:capitalize (was New WD of CSS Text Level 3

Koji Ishii scripsit:

> Transforms the first character in each word to uppercase; all other
> characters remain unaffected; i.e., they're not transformed to
> lowercase, but will appear as written in the document.

It seems to me that it is better to speak of the "first letter with case".
For example, "'tis" (short for "it is") titlecases to "'Tis", not "'tis".
Similarly, the word "!Kung" (the name of a South African people) is
correctly so capitalized whether the "!" is the punctuation mark or
the identical-looking U+01C3, a caseless letter.  (The Dutch words 't,
's, and 'n never get capitalized, but we can't have everything.)

Furthermore, the Croatian double letters dj, lj, nj, and dz-with-caron
must be correctly titlecased to Dj, Lj, Nj, and Dz-with-caron, whether
they are represented with one character or two.  Unicode already provides
a titlecase mapping that handles these and other two-letter characters.

It was impossible to inveigle           John Cowan <>
Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel 
Into offering the slightest apology
For his Phenomenology.                      --W. H. Auden, from "People" (1953)

Received on Saturday, 19 February 2011 21:52:05 UTC