Re: [css3-text] line break opportunities are based on *syllable* boundaries?

Ambrose LI scripsit:

> I agree in principle, but not completely. It is not entirely true that
> we can break at between about any two random Chinese characters, and I
> have written a bit about it at

Thank you very much for this information.  I was not aware of the special
rules for flush-left paragraphs.

John Cowan    
Most people are much more ignorant about language than they are about
[other subjects], but they reckon that because they can talk and read and
write, their opinions about talking and reading and writing are as well
informed as anybody's.  And since I have DNA, I'm entitled to carry on at
length about genetics without bothering to learn anything about it.  Not.
                        --Mark Liberman

Received on Saturday, 29 January 2011 21:51:41 UTC