Re: [css3-text] text-transform: han-numerals

There's a difference between "decimal" and "decimal-radix place value 

In the latter, a digits position indicates which power of 10 it 
represents, and therefore, a symbol for zero is required.

In other decimal systems, explicit multipliers (like a symbol for 10 or 
100) are used, and a symbol for zero is not required (except, perhaps, 
to denote a quantity of 0).


On 10/26/2010 10:31 PM, MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given) wrote:
>> But, as with the various Han representations, only one of those is in a
>> decimal system: the others are mixtures of digits and words. We can
>> transform decimal to decimal easily. And I think this is adequate for
>> hitting the 80% use case.
> I do not understand what you mean by "decimal".  Aren't
> 三五
> 三十五
> 参拾伍
> all decimal?  Here 三 and 参 mean 3, while 五 and 伍 mean 5.
> 十 and 拾 mean 10.

Received on Wednesday, 27 October 2010 06:17:02 UTC