Re: For review: Character encodings in HTML and CSS

Leif Halvard Silli scripsit (2010-02-12 03:24+01:00):
> ISO-8859-1 apparently is synonymous with ANSI/Windows-1252 on the Web -
> but I don't know the details.

ISO 8859-1 has C1 control characters in the range form x80 to x9F while 
windows-1252 has displayable characters (apostrophe ’, quotation marks 
„“”, dashes –—, the € sign, …) in that range.

But you are right: most Browsers treat "ISO-8859-1" as "windows-1252", a 
x80 in the source will be displayed as € even if the document is labeled 
"ISO-8859-1". Technically, it shouldn’t, but “don’t break the Web!”

Received on Friday, 12 February 2010 09:10:22 UTC