Re: RFC 4790 code point collation identifier

Bjoern Hoehrmann writes:
> I am interested in having a collation identifier as per RFC 4790 for 
> the Unicode code point collation as more or less defined in the XQ 
> Functions and Operators specification.


> It does not seem that there is an Internet-Draft or other attempt at 
> specifying it. Did I miss some- thing?

Perhaps RFC 5051. At a superficial glance, it and the the default 
collation described in XQ 7.3.1 look equivalent.

There has been an attempt to define the Unicode Collation Algorithm 
(also mentioned in 7.3.1) in RFC terms. Not duplicating it, just naming 
things so that the algorithm can be used in RFCs.

That document landed in my lap after a while. If you care I could finish 
it. There isn't much left to do. (I didn't finish it until now for a 
variety of reasons. Mostly blah health blah priority blah.)

> What would a specification say for the validity operation?

Depends on which collation you mean.


Received on Friday, 13 March 2009 08:39:29 UTC