Re: Testing IRI fragment identifiers

There is also the issue of the separators / slash and  . dot in the  
browser address bar.

In order for the rest of my explanation to make sense I should say  
that I am using the alternate root server <>  
for these tests and the consequence of that is that the China ccTLD   . 
中国 works

(1) When I type in:  拉夫堡大学.中国/计算机科学  it works  
just fine because I am using U+002E FULL STOP and U+002F SOLIDUS/Slash

(2) When I type in :  拉夫堡大学。中国/计算机科学 that  
also works fine because the browser automatically converts from U+3002  
IDEOGRAPHIC FULL STOP (which is what I get when I type dot whilst in  
my Chinese Input Method) to U+002E FULL STOP

(3) When I type in:  拉夫堡大学。中国/计算机科学 it does  
NOT work because I am using U+FF0F FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS which is what I  
get when I type slash whilst in my Chinese Input Method.

When typing a Chinese web address I argue that it is very important  
that one should be able to remain within a Chinese Input Method.  
But ... For (3)  I have to come out of the chinese input method to  
type the slash and then back into the chinese input method to type the  
pathname part

So I think that the browser should automatically convert the U+FF0F  
FULLWIDTH SOLIDUS to U+002F SOLIDUS then one can remain in the chinese  
input method

This issue may well occur in other languages

(1)-(3) Tested using Safari, Firefox and Opera on MacOSX

André Schappo

On 15 Dec 2008, at 21:16, Richard Ishida wrote:

> Hello Leif,
> I added a couple of tests to my revised set of IDN and IRI tests, to  
> be found (unannounced as yet) at
> Cheers,
> RI
> ============
> Richard Ishida
> Internationalization Lead
> W3C (World Wide Web Consortium)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Leif Halvard Silli []
>> Sent: 12 December 2008 20:45
>> To: Richard Ishida
>> Cc:
>> Subject: Testing IRI fragment identifiers
>> *I suggest that the I18N Resource identifiers tests at *
>> **
>> *gets updated with a test of how UAs reacts to URLs which contain  
>> an IRI
>> in the fragment part. The test URL could for example look like this:*
>> *АБВГ
>> *
>> *In my te**sting, all current mayor brow**ser**s, except Opera,
>> **support **IRI fragment ientifier**s in link**s**.
>> *
>> *I don't know the con**sideration**s of Wikipedia, but Wikipedia  
>> doe**s
>> u**se IRI**s in it**s** page URL**s. However, in fragment  
>> identifier**s
>> it doe**s not** (except when the fragment identifier**s are pure  
>> ASCII).*
>> *--
>> leif halvard **silli*


Andre Schappo
Dept. Computer Science
Loughborough University
Leics       LE11 3TU

http://小山 &
tel: 01509 222682

Received on Saturday, 3 January 2009 11:38:52 UTC