Re: [Comment on WS-I18N WD]

Dan Chiba wrote:

> While a language fallback may be desirable, date/number formats
> that don't match the user preference can be unacceptable.

I'm not sure what you mean, but I certainly prefer yyyy-mm-dd for
dates (Gregorian please, at least for yyyy > 0201) everywhere and
independent of any explicit / implicit language / locale.  

I also prefer hh:mm or hh:mm:ss (UTC, 24 hours) for times, no
am/pm, no POSIX seconds, no server local time in funny formats,
no best guess on my local time +/- DST.  hh:mmZ or hh:mm:ssZ is
acceptable, but yyyy-mm-ddThh:mmZ or similar is unacceptable, no
matter what the relevant standards say.

And I like ° Celsius for temperatures, no Fahrenheit, no Kelvin.
All independent of any locale or language used for other things,
and all rather strong preferences.


Received on Friday, 20 June 2008 03:41:02 UTC