Re: East Asian Emphasis Marks (Japanese bouten, etc)

Kenneth Whistler wrote:
> fantasai asked:
>>What code points are recommended for the filled and hollow dots when
>>used as emphasis marks?
> My personal suggestion would be:
> U+2022 BULLET
> ... in part because that would be consistent with the extension
> of the CJK practice to include other bullet-like characters
> in the function, such as U+25C9 FISHEYE.
> But that would best be checked with people, like Ken Lunde, in
> the actual font business, who might have implementation
> experience here.

I have a copy of JIS X 4051 as of today, and Martin Heijdra helped
me find the right section. Here's what it says:

7.11 圏点処理 圏点処理は,次による。
a) 圏点の文字サイズは,親文字の文字サイズの 1/2 とする。
b) 圏点は,親文字 1 文字に 1 文字だけつける。
c) 圏点の位置は,縦書きでは親文字の外枠の右側とし,横書きでは親文字の外枠の上部 
d) 圏点がついた親文字列は,元の親文字の文字クラスに従う。
e) 圏点クラスの文字種は,JIS X 4052 の附属書 2 による。

Apparently the list of shapes endorsed by this spec is in appendix 2 of
JIS X 4052?


Received on Wednesday, 15 March 2006 22:17:08 UTC