RE: Internationalizing JavaScript's confirm() method

Hi Jin,

Actually I got some info how to do it (some work around)

Option 1 :
var theURL = "some.jsp?";
var someFeatures =
var argsOut = window.showModalDialog(theURL, "", someFeatures);

Instead of 'some.jsp' we create dynamic html with message to be
displayed and pass it. It is working.

Option 2 :
Using CPropertySheet class - as Arfen form this group replied. I've to
test yet it.

Now coming to your comment "That seems to be the way it should be
really" - I personally don't think this is the way it should be as,
according to me, does not take care of some usage scenarios (I've
described below).

Let us consider a scenario where a user from Japan, Me. XYZ san, has an
account in a MNC bank in its local branch in Japan. The bank provides
the required feature in its web based account access system so that Mr.
XYZ san can access his accounts in Japanese language. Now let us assume
Mr. XYZ san, is a big executive traveling around the world frequently
and sometimes he has to access his accounts from browser running on a
machine in US (and surely in that machine the locale is US English and
for all practical purpose it would not be possible for him to change the
locale to Japanese). So in this case the application will be all in
Japanese except these javascripts confirm messages - which is surely not
very nice from the user experience perspective.

And this is not a hypothetical situation I'm describing out here. This
was one of my client's requirements while I was planning for the
architecture for internationalization of their already existing

In general I am not for any local machine's setting based behaviors (in
case of internationalization) which cannot be controlled from Server
application. Local machine's setting should be used as a fallback
mechanism not as the standard behavious.

Any takers for this opinion ?


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Jon Hanna
Sent: Friday, September 02, 2005 8:47 PM
Subject: Re: Internationalizing JavaScript's confirm() method

souravm wrote:
> Is there any way to control the language of the "Yes" and "no" buttons
> displayed by JavaScript's confirm() method from the server application

I'm pretty sure there isn't.

> The language in which those buttons are displayed is governed by the
> locale of the machine on which the browser is running.

That seems to be the way it should be really.

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