Re: case in Georgian list numbering

L. David Baron scripsit:

> I've only been able to find two implemenations of CSS2's
> 'list-style-type: georgian'.  Mozilla uses capital Georgian letters.
> Opera uses small Georgian letters.  (css3-lists specifies the latter.)
> My testcase is:
> Does anybody know if Georgian list numbering is typically uppercase or
> lowercase?  Can it be done either way, or is only one of them
> acceptable?

Most Georgians can't read the so-called "uppercase" letters, which are
really monumental-style and very obsolete.  The mkhedruli letters
(the ones named simply GEORGIAN LETTER in Unicode letter names)
are the only ones people know who aren't specialists in old manuscripts
and inscriptions.

Only do what only you can do.               John Cowan <>
  --Edsger W. Dijkstra's advice   
    to a student in search of a thesis

Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 04:26:02 UTC