On Mon, 2005-02-21 at 08:17 +0200, Jony Rosenne wrote:
> The main point is: I understand the technical justifications for the IDN
> decision, but I don't think the user community will accept it or abide by
> it.

Jony, I'm not sure. The user community for LDH domain names has lived
(and will continue to live) without apostrophes, ampersands, at signs,
and such in domain names, while they have it in their company or product
names. The user community for RTL script domain names will learn to live
with numbers only allowed in the middle of the label.

But let's try and see. We are running a testbed in ".ir" for Persian
names. Why don't you push the ".il" guys to try a testbed and see what
the users really think?


Received on Wednesday, 23 February 2005 15:45:09 UTC