Re: Language X within scope of language Y

David Clarke scripsit:

> However the word "the" in French , carries the meaning of tea; this 
> suggests it should not be omitted from an index. Were it to be embedded 
> within a predominantly English text, embedded language marking would 
> make a significant difference to processing.

>From H.L. Mencken's _The American Language_ (4th ed.):

    [Charles Fitzhugh Talman, in the Dec. 1915 issue of the _Atlantic
    Monthly_] gives an amusing account of the struggles of American
    newspapers with *thè dansant*.  He says:
        Put this through the hopper of the typesetting machine, and it
        comes form "the the dansant" -- which even Oshkosh finds
        intolerable.  The thing was, however, often attempted when *thes
        dansants* came into fashion, and with various results.  Generally
        the proof-reader eliminates one of the *the*s, making *dansant*
        a quasi-noun, and to this day one reads of people giving or
        attending *dansants*.  Latterly the public taste seems to favor
        *dansante*, which doubtless has a Frenchier appearance, provided
        you are sufficiently ignorant of the Gallic tongue.  Two other
        solutions of the difficulty may be noted:
            Among those present at the "the dansant";
            Among those present at the the-dansant;

        that is, either a hyphen or quotation marks set off the exotic

And indeed a Google search shows that while Oshkosh, Wisconsin has come
up in the world, all these alternatives to *thè dansant* are still with
us ninety years later.

"Take two turkeys, one goose, four              John Cowan
cabbages, but no duck, and mix them   
together. After one taste, you'll duck
soup the rest of your life."          

Received on Thursday, 20 January 2005 21:56:19 UTC