Re: Transcoding Tamil in the presence of markup

Jungshik Shin scripsit:

>   Absolutely. The multi-level representability of Korean script
> demonstrates its 'advanced' status as a script (invented only 5.5
> centuries ago, it  must have been able to build upon more than 2,000
> year's history of writing system), but at the same time, has been a
> continuous source of "trouble" because it's hard to agree on which level
> to use.

OT question: is Korean script to some degree the product of stimulus diffusion
from Indic script of any sort?  By "stimulus diffusion" I mean the reinvention
of a cultural concept (in this case, alphabetic writing) as a result of hearing
that some other culture has the concept, but without any details.

John Cowan
"If I have not seen as far as others, it is because giants were standing
on my shoulders."
        --Hal Abelson

Received on Sunday, 7 December 2003 20:22:08 UTC