Determining if Unicode / appropriate glyphs installed on client


Is there an efficient method to determine if a certain multilingual content
will display correctly on a browser (considering localized text encoding,
language font repository, and text-processing algorithms), regardless of the
user's accept-language preferences? Help in light of both HTML and XHTML

For example, using Arial Unicode MS and IE6, I can easily read websites in
Arabic, Japanese, and most other languages. However, the browser does not
(practically cannot) send the entire range of languages it supports.

Taking my own website ( as an example: This website
is primarily in English, but does include Urdu-language (Arabic script)
content. Currently, I use emulated GIF images instead of actual Unicode to
ensure that the multilingual content appears on all browsers and systems.
However still, this is a very crude and inefficient implementation for users
with the required glyphs and processing capabilities. At the same time, I
don't want to abandon my large user base on systems that don't have
Urdu-support by default (many OS's, Openwave WAP, etc).

Again, is there an efficient method to determine localized text encoding,
language font respository, and text-processing algorithms supported by the
client? How does CC/PP handle the issue?

Thanks for taking your time,
Mustafa Ali

Received on Tuesday, 9 July 2002 01:37:38 UTC