I am not able to give javascript alert messages in Chinese in IE5 , succeded in Netscape6.1

I have been stuck up with the this problem.
I am not able to give javascript alert messages in
Simplified Chinese in
IE5, where as in Netscape 6.1 it is good.

I have chinese fonts(MS Song,MS Hei) in my system. Is
it needed to
change font.properties file in JDK, if yes, what are
changes needed in that file. 

Here is my code(JSP): It gives '???' in IE5, and
chinese chars in Netscape6.1

<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" %>
<script language="javascript">

my environment: Windows 98(english)

Thanks in advance

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Received on Sunday, 11 November 2001 02:38:22 UTC