RE: Servlet question

Yes, you are absolutely correct.  If you know which 
application server you are running on and you know the details
of the underlying servlet code, then you can use this
technique.  We are trying to write JSP code that will run
on a variety of app servers with both European and Asian

Supposedly this should be possible because Java's internationalization
support is excellent and so is their cross platform support.

I wish it were actually so.


Paul Deuter
Internationalization Manager
Plumtree Software 

-----Original Message-----
From: Shigemichi Yazawa []
Sent: Monday, October 22, 2001 9:37 AM
To: Paul Deuter
Subject: RE: Servlet question

At Mon, 22 Oct 2001 08:27:10 -0700,
Paul Deuter <> wrote:
> 1.  Both encodings CP1252 and 8859-1 have "holes".  For 8859-1
> the range 80-9F is invalid.  For CP1252, the values 80, 81, 8D,
> 8E, 8F, 90, 9D, and 9E are invalid (according to Kano's book).

As I said in the previous email, there is no hole in 8859_1 (at least
Sun's java). Try running a program I attached to the previous email by
changing the encoding to "8859_1".

> The often suggested method
> for converting characters in the request is to use a line of code
> that looks like this:
> String strParam = new
> String(request.getParameter("SomeName").getBytes("8859_1"), "UTF8");

We have been using this technique, or hack, for a long time and it
works fine. The catch is that it works only when the default encoding
is 8859_1. If the servlet JVM's default encoding is Cp1252 and/or the
servlet is configured to use Cp1252 when converting the parameters, it
fails miserably.

Shigemichi Yazawa

Received on Monday, 22 October 2001 12:40:24 UTC