Re: Multi-Language Support

vdlinden wrote:
> We're trying to enter Traditional Chinese characters in an XML file with the
> encoding set to UTF-8, but then when you try to view the XML in IE 5, it
> doesn't work. 

Can you define "doesn't work" a bit more precisely?

- there is a well formedness error
- the program crashes
- the screen is blank
- all the characters are missing
- some of the characters are missing
- all the characters show the wrong glyphs
- a few of the charascters show the wrong glyphs
- it all works unless Plane 2 characters are used

> However, if you change the encoding to UTF-16 or Big5, you are
> able to view the xml in IE. Why is that?

Difficult to tell without more information


Received on Tuesday, 9 October 2001 14:14:37 UTC