Re: Time

----- Original Message -----
From: "Carl W. Brown" <>
To: "Pedro M." <>
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 1:19 AM
Subject: RE: Time

> Pedro,
 I also think
> the having a browser control that used the operating system UTC to locale
> time conversion would be good.
> Carl

Thank you Carl.

It would be reverse to ( from LT - Local Time, for example LT in Spain - to
UTC ). For example, If I think there would be good have a meeting 15:00 LT
( in my local time ) the program would translate the time to UTC and appear
( for example in IRC, in Webpages, in Web-agendas, and so on ) : Next
Meeting 17:00 UTC ( when I wrote Next Meeting 15:00 LT ).

Logically, the another user ( an mexican, for example ) will see the time in
UTC ( and can select the option : translate automatically - transparently -
the UTC times to my local time, to mexican local time ).

Itīs time for positve contributions ;)  How can we do in with HTML  ( for
example, for a webchat or Web-agenda ) ???.

All the best.

Received on Saturday, 11 August 2001 11:17:44 UTC