RE: Input multilingual text in a form...

> If someone input characters from various languages into a form in a
> browser and  form's encoding is in UTF-8, what is the encoding of
> text insert? Is UTF-8 or something else? 
> I want to store this text as unicode (UTF-8) in a database, but if
> this text is not UTF-8, i need a converter from all other encoding
> to UTF-8?

Netscape and Internet Explorer send the text to the server in the form's
encoding, in this case UTF-8.

> Numeric reference of characters in ISO-8859-1 is the same of Unicode,
> not only for ASCII character (0-127)?
> I think no but i'm not sure.

NCR (Numeric Character reference) is always Unicode. There is no such thing
as ISO-8859-1 NCR or Shift_JIS NCR.

Shigemichi Yazawa

Received on Thursday, 19 April 2001 17:20:43 UTC