Namespaces in XML

Dear Gentlemen:

Our publishing company is actually preparing the publication of a book
calles "Java XML Programming". Amongst other it shall contain the W3C
document Rec-xml-names-19990114 specifying the use of namespaces in XML
(editors: .

As the book will be published in German and as this specification only
exists in English, we would like to translate the spec document into German
regarding the W3C's requirements for such translations. Obviously, we would
provide the translation to the W3C.

My questions:
-- Is there a formal OK necessary from the W3C to start the translation? If
so, I would highly appreciate a immediate answer, as we have to finish the
translation next week.
-- Are there any formal rules we have to observe translating this spec doc?
(Can we use the German translation of W3C XML specification by
Behme/Mintert as model?)

Thanks in advance for your help. Looking forward to hear / read soon from you.

Fernando Schneider

Senior Editor -- Operating Systems, Certification
MITP-Verlag GmbH                  Phone:    ++  49  (0)228  97024-19
K$B‹O(Bigswinterer Stra$B!,(Be 418       Fax:         ++  49  (0)228  441342
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Received on Sunday, 10 September 2000 18:44:07 UTC