Re: euro entity

Liam Quinn wrote:
> Due to a bug, Netscape 4.x will not correctly display any character that
> cannot be encoded in the document's character encoding (or something close
> to that--Netscape 4.x on Windows seems to handle windows-1252 encodable
> characters as numeric references in an ISO-8859-1 encoded document).  So if
> you serve a document with charset=ISO-8859-1, Netscape won't show €
> correctly.

I tested € with iso-8859-1 and windows-125[0-4], and they all
worked on NT4 with Communicator 4.5. 4.06 should work too, though I
haven't tried it recently.

> It should work if you use charset=UTF-8 (assuming your Unicode
> font includes the euro).

This did not work in my case since my Unicode font does not contain the


Received on Wednesday, 14 October 1998 16:12:22 UTC