Re: 29 languages + Unicode

Sorry for my late reply:
Here is the story....

EUC-KR is listed in and refer to
ASCII in GL and KS_C_5601-1987 in GR (EUC-KR  = ASCII + KS_C_5601-1987
[with MSB on] )
And it is the "PREFER MIME" name according to RFC1557, as well as

KS_C_5601-1987 is listed in
but refer to the 94x94 ISO-2022 set. ASCII is not not below to this 

KSC5601 is not listed in

Look at "(preferred MIME name)" in

Misha Wolf wrote:
> <>, the IUC10 (Tenth International Unicode
> Conference) preview site now has individual pages in twenty-nine languages,
> as well as Unicode pages combining all twenty-nine languages.  The most
> recent additions are: Danish, Esperanto, Georgian, Korean, Occitan and
> Slovenian.
> The other significant change is the addition of language tags to all pages,
> in line with RFC 2070, RFC 1766, ISO 639 and ISO 3166.  We have started all
> pages with "<HTML LANG=en>", as some parts of all the pages are in English.
> We have added "LANG=X" attributes to containers (eg <H1> or <TABLE> or <TR>)
> holding non-English text, where "X" represents the appropriate language code
> (eg "fr" or "zh-cn").
> We have not adjusted the markup to take account of the idiosyncracies of any
> browser.  We know of no browser that will display all the text absolutely
> correctly.
> Because of browser incompatibility in the recognition of charset names, we
> have not included a <meta ... charset ...> tag in the Korean page.  As far
> as we can see, the page displays correctly in a number of browsers, but each
> understands a different charset tag.  Netscape Navigator/Communicator
> understands "EUC-KR", Microsoft Internet Explorer understands "KS_C_5601-
> 1987" and Alis Tango understands "KSC5601".  If you can suggest a charset
> tag understood by more than one browser, please tell us.
> We hope to release the pages to the IUC public sites <>
> and <> early next week.  If you find any
> errors, please tell us.
> Thanks,
> <>
> <>

Received on Thursday, 20 February 1997 18:44:49 UTC