Re: Accept-Charset support

> I think charset (sub-)repertoire information should be available without
> looking at the content.  That may be less of a concern for monolithic
> Web browsers prevalent today.  But the protocol shouldn't be restricted
> to that paradigm.

As I've already noted, for HTML, the character repertoire is a function of the
SGML "document character set" *NOT* the character encoding (aka the
MIME charset). So restrictions on the character repertoire (or its
rendering or usage) need to be somehow expressed at the SGML level,
not confused with the charset.

The problem of Unicode/ISO character standard versioning is a bit perplexing,
but we need to remember that ISO 10646 is playing two roles when we talk 
about UTF8 as a encoding and a document character set (though maybe not 
in the same version)  

To get numeric refences to work right we need to treat this in a way that
works for other charsets besides UTF8 and friends, (i.e. ISO-8859-2
or ISO-2022-JP with numeric references to Korean Hangul codes from
ISO 10646)

    Albert Lunde            

Received on Tuesday, 10 December 1996 11:20:50 UTC