Re: [Distributed services] Locale Data Repository and associated web services

>       ... if my system or service doesn't have "locale X" installed, it can 
> obtain the requisite locale data (or call the function) from a trusted
> external source and use that data to perform as if that locale were actually
> installed locally.

Preface: A locale-based approach to legacy, and contemporary data, meets
requirments which can't be met otherwise.

I'm trying to come up with use-cases where not having a locale is a real
problem. I know of one, but it is atypical, using very small buffers, and
a nightmare in several dimensions.

Here, "not having" means going outside of the vendor's supported product
range of solutions, which could be ONC-RPC it from some publication host.

Outside of the handset, moving data to processing seems dubious.
Getting the processing to the data the better course.

Now the reason someone chose to use dynamic load to allow the arbitrary
extant .so to provide the possibility of 3rd-parties writing their own
new .so(s), without having to get someone in Building 5 or COSL to get
this new code merged into a release or patch, and available at the next
release or patch point.

The cost of creating a new locale is quite low, relative to the cost
of merging and maintaining new code in monolithic, statically bound, 
system libraries.

I'm not seeing it. If one assumes ANDF or a JVM, some form of solving
the system dependent portion of hetrogeneous locale provisioning, then
OK. But in the absence of such ...

In summary, locale announcement is good, XML has the charset and lang,
which are necessary, but not sufficient.

Finding the locale after finding which locale to use, may be a srvloc
problem, I don't know. Anyone got a use case?


Received on Tuesday, 16 April 2002 10:16:44 UTC