Get qualified traffic on your Web Site - Search Engine Positioning/Optimization

    TCMS is a full service search engine optimization and positioning (SEOP) firm committed to providing marketing solutions for your company's Internet needs. Our primary focus is to get your company's website found by the people who are looking for you. Whether you are an international corporation, looking to expand your Internet presence; or a small locally owned and operated family business, which wants to provide 24hr access to your good and services.  
    TCMS will bring your target market to you. It basically comes down to traffic, but not just any traffic, desirable traffic. Desirable traffic means, that TCMS delivers customers and clients to your website, not hoards of unwanted visitors seeking unrelated items. And we do this in a way that is easily budgeted for. Our fees are based on consistent monthly service. So each month you know exactly what our service is going to cost, making it easier to determine the effectiveness of our services on your bottom line. We guarantee our service will provide you top rankings on the main search engines that people actually use. In addition to a guaranteed consistency of service we provide monthly reports that show your websites performance on a regular basis. We also perform manual submissions to the search engines and directories; this level of personal service sets us apart from most everyone else in the SEOP industry. We review every website before recommending a positioning program to ensure that your website receives the personal attention that is deserves. So no matter what your Internet marking needs, TCMS can offer you the best solution for your company's individual requirements. 

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A review of your company's website has shown that it is an excellent candidate for our Traffic Plus positioning program. 

Traffic plus Program 

Traffic Plus Programs are complete marketing and maintenance programs structured to provide a global marketing solution for most company's websites that do not operate within highly competitive industries such as Health Care or Internet related services. 

The set up fee covers paid inclusion fees to Yahoo, Inktomi, and AltaVista. 

Our Traffic Plus programs offer all the functionality of the Lite-level programs, but doubles the time spent working on your rankings by your Search Engine consultant. Traffic Plus programs also include the creation of five custom Anchor pages, and works towards increasing your sites link popularity. Each and every month, we'll show you not only your website's performance but we will compare its performance to as many as three of your identified competitors' sites.

Here is what the programs include: 

 An Extensive Keyword Analysis for 5 keyword phrases 
 Optimization of your existing site 
 Optimization of Navigation and Link Structure
 Creation and linking of 5 custom anchor pages
 Development and maintenance of link enhancement popularity
 Hand Submissions to the major Search Engines and Directories
 Yahoo Express Submission and/or optimized Category adjustments
 Inktomi inclusion of main domain name. (e.g. 
 AltaVista inclusion of main domain name 
 One time Submission to Secondary Search Engines and Regional and Industry Specific Engines and Directories 
 A Designated Positioning Consultant 
 Monthly Search Engine Ranking & Visibility Reports 
 Monthly Competitive Comparison Reports 
 Monthly Statistics and Visitor Reports 
 Monthly Log analysis 
 6 month keyword upgrade 
 Anchor page tune-ups 
 Written Online Marketing Report 
 Ongoing Marketing Advice  

The five custom anchor pages, are built specifically to gain higher rankings with search engines, by providing augmenting content to sites that either have low text content or when much of the site's content is buried within CGI bins or other database produced pages! 
Here is a list of the major engines: 
AltaVista (Info Space)
and Inktomi affiliates 

What Kind of Results Will you Get? 

We guarantee that you will receive 10 top ten results, 20 top twenty results and 30 top thirty results across the top 12 search engines and directories within six months. Our goal is to move you into the Top 10 for each keyword phrase on all 12 of the search engines and directories, but results like that can take some time to achieve. We will continue to do what ever is necessary to move you into these top rankings, because top rankings are where the largest volumes of desirable traffic comes from. 

To qualify for Traffic Plus positioning your site must: 

 Not require highly competitive keyword phrases 
 Have its own Uniform Resource Locator (URL) and Domain Name 
 Not contain heavy use of dynamic elements like Flash Cold Fusion, or Shopping Carts 
 Contain well-written content that reflects the keywords selected for optimization and positioning.  
If you have any questions regarding the Traffic Plus positioning program please feel free to contact me directly. 
Please note: - We provide consultation and management for paid programs on ebay, google, overture, looksmart, findwhat, yahoo and others at extra price.

Dalia (Accounts Manager)

California, USA 1.800.984 7001
New Delhi, India +91-9868125217

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