Re: ID/Class Names beginning with numbers

Philip Taylor wrote :

> I can't see a /prima facie/ case for that. Why do you tacitly
> assert that it would be the case, and would your argument
> then not be equally true for (say) class or ID names to be
> permitted to contain embedded spaces ?

I'm just raising a question, and it seems to me - emphasis on *me* - that it would be useful to be able to have ID/Class names beginning by a number, mut that's just my point of view.
I used to be bothered by this at the beginning, for instance to distinguish odd and even rows/columns in a <table /> element, it just seemed counter-productive to assign class names like "td_0" and "td_0" instead of just "0" or "1".

Still, let's set aside my views on the matter, I'm just trying to understand the reason why it can't be done.

Finally, concerning the impossibility for ID/Class names to contain embedded spaces, it seems incompatible with CSS and jQuery selectors, to name just a few.

Received on Wednesday, 27 November 2013 16:24:06 UTC