Re: Alignment Inheritance in HTML 4.01 Tables

2011-12-01 13:09, Philip TAYLOR wrote:

>> this "inheritance" is not on the 'style' attribute *value*, but stems
>> from the inheritance rules of CSS, so it's a completely different
>> issue from the one fantasai and I have raised. Painting the text in
>> your example red is correct, but has nothing to do with HTML attribute
>> value inheritance.
> A subtle point, Kris, and one I had failed to appreciate.

It’s a point that is easily missed, but it’s essential. Style attribute 
values inheritance, if it existed, would be completely different from 
CSS inheritance (a key concept in CSS, almost always misunderstood one 
way or another). For example, if an element has style="border: solid 
thin", then inheriting that attribute value would make all sub-elements 
bordered. In CSS, the border attribute is not inherited.

> <TABLE style="font-size: 70%">
> <TR style="font-size: 70%">
> <TD style="font-size: 70%…">
> What size am I ?
> why are the two font samples rendered at exactly the same size ?
> I would have expected the second to be considerably smaller (70% of 70%
> of 70% = 34%)

They are different on IE. You are probably looking at the page
on Firefox with a setting on minimum font size.


Received on Thursday, 1 December 2011 11:42:06 UTC