Re: Missing Functionality: Include

Aryeh Gregor wrote:

> Semantic HTML only gets you so far: there are still usually large
> chunks of repeated HTML on every page, for navigation bars and
> so on.

This is annoying from an aesthetic standpoint, but may not matter
except on very limited devices, such as mobile browsers.

> I admittedly haven't benchmarked the actual performance
> difference from a 20% reduction in the size of a fairly large
> HTML page, say -- it might not be too large.

I think this might be somewhat covered by the microscape benchmark.

While the results I read are out of date, I wouldn't be surprised to
discover that the following points still hold:

(a)  Total number of requests often matters more than total number of
bytes.  So splitting something into separate includes may be
counterproductive.  (Thus the yahoo UI libraries come pre-bundled.)
(b)  If the page is slow enough that people notice, getting rid of the
text entirely won't save as much as better compression (or
elimination) of images.


Received on Monday, 11 May 2009 16:18:31 UTC