Re: Fwd: HTML5 and XHTML2 combined (a new approach)

Giovanni Campagna wrote:
> Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis 1)
>> As for authors, I don't understand your concern. Authors are free to read
>> the parts of documents they are interested in, just as they are free to read
>> the documents they are interested in.
> Yes, but it is easier to read only the page containing the feature I want,
> then to search an heavy and difficult document, with the features I need
> spreaded all across and concept I may not have any idea what they mean.

Although I personally find the single spec much easier to use than 
having it split across several specs, or even several pages of the same 
spec, since there's no need to first figure out which spec to look at 
first; we do have a multipage version of the spec.  Is there any reason 
why this doesn't meet your needs?

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

Received on Tuesday, 27 January 2009 02:24:51 UTC