[XHTML modularization] Working example for XML schemas?

I tried to test the examples from 
(defining additional elements) with the XML Spy 2008 and 
http://www.w3.org/2001/03/webdata/xsv and I think I get the same error 
that the root element (<html>) is not defined in the XHTML file.

"No declaration for document root found, validation was lax"

I haven't found any working example of a XHTML file linking to the 
modularization XML schema files which validates in XML Spy. Are the 
examples wrong or does the XML Spy (and I think the reference 
implementation XSV as defined in 
http://www.w3.org/MarkUp/2008/xhtml-m12n-11-implementation.html) make 
any mistake? Or can anybody offer a validating example?


Received on Monday, 15 September 2008 07:06:30 UTC