Lisbon, 10 of October of 2008.

There is a way to include in the HTML ASCII file, the binary source of an image file, like a .gif file?


Another problem is that, the implemented solution, uses MIME to set data content type.

But when HTML have:
IMG SRC="file:\\image_file.gif"

I think it uses .gif to set data content type, and not a preset MIME, if MIME is used, is used by the browser, that query the O. S., or other, about the MIME for the .gif extension.

So, I think it would be great to have the image binary data, without reference to MIME, but, also, with reference to file extension, and let browser decide which content is there, as if a file name was supplied.

Instead of having only HTML:
IMG SRC="..."

Having also HTML:
IMG SRC="data:.gif;base64,ZXYetc..."

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Received on Friday, 10 October 2008 15:38:35 UTC