Re: XHTML Basic 1.1 and setting input field to numeric mode

On Wed, Jun 25, 2008 at 06:33:35AM +0900, Karl Dubost wrote:

> Le 25 juin 2008 à 00:24, Tina Holmboe a écrit :
>> we are developers who understand, and work with, the needs of browser 
>> developers, content developers, AND end users.
> Which browser developers?

  I would certainly hope that the standardisation process involve
  all these three groups.

> in the case of authoring tools, Daniel Glazman, active developers of an 
> authoring tool has requested that style attribute be kept.

  I'm sure. But we can't all get everything we want.

 -  Tina Holmboe           siteSifter                  Greytower Technologies
            Website Quality and Accessibility Testing

Received on Tuesday, 24 June 2008 21:38:38 UTC