Re: Proposed Feature for Future Work: <toc> Element

Lachlan Hunt wrote:
> David Woolley wrote:
> Could you elaborate on that?  What additional control would be needed 
> and why?

Hopefully none, but given things like table based layout, I think it is 
quite likely that headings could come out in an illogical order (as this 
is the result of styling, albeit not using style sheets, one could argue 
that it should be fixed by styling the ToC).  There might also be weird 
cases - maybe when one is giving examples of heading elements, although 
arguably they should be block quoted.

Basically it is up to proposer to identify cases where proper markup 
will not produce a sensible table of contents.

David Woolley
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Received on Tuesday, 4 September 2007 06:31:01 UTC