Re: code, samp, kbd, var

On Tue, 15 May 2007, Lachlan Hunt wrote:

> Element   | Pages  | Per page
> -----------+--------+----------
> <td>      | 90%    | 90
> <ul>      | 30%    | 6
> <cite>    | 0.5%   | 6
> <code>    | 0.4%   | 20
> <blink>   | 0.1%   | 2
> <dfn>     | 0.1%   | 10
> <var>     | 0.05%  | 10
> <kbd>     | 0.04%  | 10
> <samp>    | 0.02%  | 20
> <ruby>    | 0.01%  | 70

That's probably just part of the data, selected for a specific purpose. I 
can't believe that <li> wouldn't appear at all, for example.

> Sample size: several billion pages.

It's hardly a sample. (See Statistics 101.)

> To put that in perspective, 0.05% of 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) is 50,000,000.

So what's the point?

Maybe you mean that <blink> is twice as justified as <var>, or that both 
are irrelevant, or that both are relevant. Hard to guess.

Jukka "Yucca" Korpela,

Received on Tuesday, 15 May 2007 06:01:17 UTC