Re: abbr and acronym

Karl Dubost wrote 

>It would be good to summarize part of your discussions on

If you want to be exhaustive, you could (1) add ruby . 
Example of use to denote an abbreviation and alternate text: 
<div lang="fr">James tira sur le traitre du <ruby><rb>F.B.I.</rb>
<rt lang="fr-fonipa">ef bi aj</rt>
<rt lang="en-us">Federal Bureau of Investigation</rt>
<rt>Bureau fédéral d'investigation</rt></ruby>, qui s'écroula (...)</div>

If there is a consensus to obsolete Acronym, could a new html 4.02 with the 
only change of "ACRONYM is deprecated." be quikly published ? 

1: if i understand correctly the use of this asian-born scripting. say "Ruby text is used to provide a short 
annotation of the associated base text. It is most often used to provide a reading 
(pronunciation guide)."

Received on Thursday, 29 March 2007 22:19:47 UTC