Re: Formal Recorded Complaint

On 30 Jul, John Foliot wrote:

> Working Group must acknowledge this.  But more importantly, snide and
> silly comments (which can be construed as demeaning and offensive -
> and please, I was *NOT* the only one offended) can not, and should not
> be tolerated.  While it might seem simple to paint the exchange as a

  Allow me to "AOL" this. I have personally been the named target of
  rather fascinating* discussions on the IRC server/channel in question,
  and quie frankly found myself being made fun of.

  These discussions, and these logs, will remain a permanent record on
  the 'net for years to come. With the way the discussions have been
  going on, that is not a happy thought.

  As someone who has worked with accessibility for many years, I am
  frankly shocked by the fact that in 2007 we - meaning several people
  who hold differing opinions than very vocal supports of HTML 5 - are
  being vilified for standing on the same barricades we have for the
  last ten years.

  Yes, vilified is a strong word. But that is certainly how it feel to
  me after mailing-list and IRC discussions. Finding things like these:

    "there's been a lengthy flameware on www-html involving Philip
     Taylor and Tina Holmboe, and many others but someone pointed them
     to the grown-up table"


    "especially with the hypervocal dissenters that are sure to plague
     almost every conversation (even when they are the extreme minority)"


    "seems that Tina needs more than one reality check."

  lead me to agree with Chaals. It /is/ too depressing to be involved in
  this stuff, and frankly ... I've spent the last ten years getting
  yelled at by people who didn't care about standards, and I am not
  about to spend time getting yelled at for having the very same
  optinons by people who /make/ standards.

  People who have input to make are dropping out from the HTML 5 process
  for many reasons. One of those reasons is the attitudes shown, not
  only toward accessibility advocates, but toward everyone who disagree.

  A little respect go a long way.

 -  Tina Holmboe      Developer's Archive           Greytower Technologies

Received on Monday, 30 July 2007 21:04:25 UTC