Re: [html] Elements within "title"?

Philip Taylor (Webmaster) wrote:
> Henri Sivonen wrote:
>> On Feb 27, 2007, at 13:44, Jukka K. Korpela wrote:
>>> They are already completely incompatible, except in the trickery 
>>> sense that you can masquerade XHTML 1.0 so that it will be eaten by 
>>> existing browsers as the tag soup HTML that they can process.
>> I think he meant the serializability of conforming XHTML document 
>> trees as HTML.
> Whereas I think he meant the serving of XHTML 1.0 as HTML,
> yet requiring browsers to /ignore/ the HTML semantics of
> (e.g.) <META ... /> and to continue parsing further content
> as HEAD matter, even though the "/>" has terminated the HEAD region.

No, Henri was right.  I did mean the serialisability.  It may have been 
clearer if I'd said "that would be another incompatibility between the 2 
[syntaxes or serialisations]" instead.

In HTML5, HTML and XHTML are just different serialisations of the same 
language.  However, for reasons mostly related to parsing, there are 
some differences in what can be represented in each.  e.g. Namespaces in 
XHTML, but not in HTML; and <noscript> in HTML, but not in XHTML.

Lachlan Hunt

Received on Wednesday, 28 February 2007 14:57:29 UTC