Re: DogFood (and inline/block constraints)

On 12/12/07, David Carlisle <> wrote:

> Would it be possible (in text/html and /xml) to hide nested lists in some new
> inline-element-that-takes-block-content  so

>     <p>blah blah
>     blah <inline-element-that-takes-block-content>
>          <ol>
>                  <li....
>   </inline-element-that-takes-block-content> more text
> </p>

Didn't that used to be called div (which wasn't inline, but could be
used in several otherwise inline contexts) or blockquote?

And would the list have had a compact attribute?

I thought the "transparent" content model was intended to stop this
sort of escape.



Received on Thursday, 13 December 2007 00:11:17 UTC