Re: HTML5 script start tag should select appropriate content model according to src

Henri Sivonen wrote:

> How do you expect the spec to have been shaped to your liking without 
> you participating in the process on the WHATWG list?

Surely what matters is not whether "the spec" (meaning the
WHATWG "spec") is shaped to Tina's (or Patrick's, or my) liking,
but rather whether the specification for the next iteration of HTML
will be so shaped.  And if that is true, then this (W3C)
list is surely the right place for that debate to take place,
because by raising our concerns here we can ensure that
the W3C do /not/ believe that the entire web world is
happy to allow the future of HTML to be determined by
the views of the members of a 3-browser consortium.

Philip Taylor

Received on Monday, 23 April 2007 16:47:17 UTC