Re: XHTML 1.0, section C14

Karl Dubost <> wrote:

>Did you have a practical real problem created by the section C14?

That's a very peculiar position to take for an organization 
producing technical specifications. It's an even more peculiar 
position for the QA Lead to take.

>Please give a pointer to a document online where you give your interpretation
>of the problems, then we can start to discuss about the C14.

I believe a suitable document can be found at 
<> and its linked resources.

   These are the same customers you are referring to whom 
Microsoft thought
   would need MS Bob and the Talking Paperclip?   One thing is 
to give them
   enough rope to hang themselves,  but a boobytrapped 
thermonuclear weapon
   running on a rand(time) countdown… Is that really wise?   - 
Me to MS rep.

Received on Tuesday, 21 November 2006 15:02:58 UTC