Re: Identifying end tags

On Mon, Jul 03, 2006 at 01:33:09PM +0200, Nickolas Nansen wrote:

> All this is handled by huge web-servers that collects the relevant piece of
> code from different places and builds a html document to the client. Some
> pieces of code are used several places, others only a few. A standard
> starting code of a block may in some cases have several potential
> counterparts in ending the code, depending on the design.

I'd probably take the aproach of dividing everything into complete
blocks. If one editor has to work on code inside a block someone else
is responsible for, then a comment can be used to mark the point to
insert the code.

> I have had cases where several pieces from several programmers had
> to be a part of the same table to make everything positioned
> correctly.

Table? Positioned? Sounds like tables being used for layout, and
(X)HTML is moving away from that. 
> In this setting you don't always see the entire code. You have your local
> piece, and try your best to keep that in perfect shape. They may work on a
> piece that has already been nested two or three times.  Different
> programmers have different applications to work with, and they may handle
> indentation differently. Besides, not all programmers are perfect in
> indentation. Because of this I find indentation not always a reliable  
> source of determining nesting levels.

Thankfully software is much better at it. Editors can reindent code
and can tell you where the matching start/end tag for the tag the
cursor is on is.

> In modern html programming div tags are used frequently, and one may
> therefore get several levels. Take a look at the source of a fairly simple
> page like

CSS Zen Garden is well known as an example of what not to do with
markup. It has excessive, redundent divs and classes in order to make
it as flexible as possible to change with style sheets.

David Dorward                            

Received on Monday, 3 July 2006 12:57:04 UTC